At NYC Chiropractic Solutions, we recognize that employees perform their best when they are healthy and feel good. Our Health and Wellness Screening Day aims at improving each participant’s health and well-being. As volunteers with The Foundation for Wellness Professionals, we aim to build awareness and help improve the health of our communities by providing free workshops and screenings, as well as a little fun and relaxation. Our screenings help a person find out how stress is affecting them, how to lose weight, test PH levels within their bodies, detect postural imbalances, and includes a blood pressure check-up. As an added bonus, we provide ten minute chair massages to all the employees who attend. This is not only a chance for employees to de-stress and relax, but a way for your company to express their appreciation and concern for their employees health. Please note that the event is FREE and your company will not incur any cost.
Companies that have enjoyed our Health and Wellness Screening Day include:
18 East 41st Street
Suite 403
New York, NY 10017